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A Leo Full Moon occurs at 7.33am GMT on the 9th February, 2020 at 20 Degrees Leo. But this Full Moon has a fascinating extra dimension for the Ascendant is also in Aquarius, but the Sun is in the the tender 12th House. PLEASE SEE BELOW TO DISCOVER WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU…
The Leo Full Moon brings to the surface our need to focus on our individual needs. The Sun in Aquarius represents the collective, so this can be a case of “I versus We”. If our own individual talents, time, creativity, and personal hopes have got bogged down in the needs of others, group dynamics or the requirements of a partner, this can be a good time to re-balance. But then equally, if we have pursued our own agenda to the exclusion of others, we may find there are plenty of prompts to improve our connections over the next two weeks.
Along with the Ascendant and the Sun in Aquarius in the sheltered 12th House, we also have the nurturing Asteroid Ceres, Saturn and Pluto, though these two latter planets are in Capricorn. So I feel there will be a need to grapple with the less spoken about, or shadow side of our relati
onships. But with the Moon in opposition to that Ascendant, there can be a real opportunity to use our talents, warmth and sensitivity to the benefit of others.
Furthermore Venus, the planet of love, although in detriment in the sign of Aries, sits very close in Conjunction to the Wounded Healer Chiron, in the 1st House of this Full Moon Natal Chart. Where needed we can use the go-getting but softening balm of this combination to heal any tensions that may have emanated from the turbulent energies that have dominated this year.
Lastly, Mercury also forges a fine link to the Nodal Axis, which itself espouses the 5th and 11th Houses that reflect Leo/Aquarius energies, so keeping the lines of communication open, can prove invaluable, whatever the strands we are dealing with.
Please click on the link below to discover what each This Leo Full Moon means for each Zodiac sign…
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