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Note from webmaster Ian Jones. The following interview was intended to be broadcast in one of our radio / podcast shows. However technical problems with Skype hampered the process on both attempts. The geographic distance between the both of them may have caused the problem, with Brenda being in the US and Ian being in the UK. However we thought Brenda's experience and knowledge on the subject of special children was too good to miss, so have instead conducted the interview in writing. Many thanks to Brenda for spending the time answering our questions.
Interview with Brenda Tenerelli by Ian Jones
25th May 2009 for
Gifted Children and Spirituality
Can you tell us about your experiences with the gifted children that are here at this time and what got you interested in learning more about them?
Most of my experience with gifted children comes from my own three children: Giovanni 14, Angelo 11, and Aubrey Rose 9. They are all very spiritually gifted and were all said to be A.D.H.D. School has always been a constant battle for Giovanni and Aubrey.
It has been easier for Angelo most of the time, but homework time is a nightmare with all of them. Through Giovanni's 7th grade year I would spend hours with them until 11:00 p.m. or later to get homework done, and then it still wasn't all done usually. After years of trying to find ways of helping my children, and find ways to get Giovanni off his medications, I was told by my Ex-husband about a book. He said the book was written by a famous psychic that he listens to on the radio every week for 10 years, and that this man works with and explains about gifted children.
He explains how all these "Disorders" they are being tagged with are not what is really going on. We ordered a copy of the book, "Secrets From God, Your Keys To Heaven," as it is said to explain what is really happening with these children and what to do to help them. I began reading the book solely to help my children, having no idea what was in store and just how much information I would learn from it. The Authors, Gary Spivey and Dean Hymel, devoted a whole chapter to gifted children, explaining in detail what these kids are going through.
They know because they were kids like that, and were also tagged with many disorders. School is always a struggle for a gifted child who can see, hear, or feel spiritual entities and such. They often have difficulty focusing on the day's lesson because they are up in the Spiritual Dimensions doing jobs for God, Angels, and Heavenly Hierarchy. They can usually see, hear, or feel Angels, God, spirits, demons, and dark energies around themselves and others.
They are very empathic, and can feel the anger or pain of other people around them. They see things that other people and kids can't see or experience, so they tend to feel very out-of-place, different, scared, and often like a freak. Most don't know why they are different or why they have these abilities, and are afraid to tell anyone what they are experiencing.
When children run to your room screaming at night about something in their room, it's because there was really something there that they can see spiritually, but we can't, so we tell them it's nothing. How horrifying to be sent back to bed in a room where they see a demon or something. Until they know what they are seeing, even Angels can scare them. They have very bright lights (auras) and operate at a much higher vibrational frequency than most of us. No matter what we do, most of them can not and will not conform to the set of rules set by society.
Their vibration is so high, especially in Autistic children, that it is closer to an Angels, and only conform to ways that resonate truth, honesty, love, peace, and oneness. This is why they seem so rebellious about following rules, or even waiting their turn for things sometimes. They don't understand the rules and behavior that schools and society expect them to exhibit. When we medicate them, we are not only damaging their hearts and bodies, but are also blocking their spiritual abilities.
After enough years of medication, they lose their abilities and begin to perform more like what we expect. On medicine, they may be able to focus on the lesson of the day, but may miss an important job or message from God at the same time. Gary works with these children individually and teaches them what is going on, how to cope with their gifts, how to clear themselves and others of demons and dark energies, and how to refocus themselves when they come back to the physical dimension.
For some children, especially some Autistics, it is literally painful for them to be here in their physical body around the lower energy on the planet. Now that I have learned how to do all this myself, and have taught my children, I began working with other children at the schools I was volunteering at. It's so much easier now when a child exhibits certain behavior to understand what they are going through, and attempt to explain it to the staff there. I have also had many neighbor kids around me come and ask questions. They have asked me to teach them, have read sections of the book, and have asked to stay while we meditate with the meditation disc.
Now they realize what they're experiencing and can deal with it better. I've now worked with kids that see everything spiritually, and often see spirits (dead people, as they call them) walking around all the time, like in Sixth Sense. Once they learn what to do and get used to seeing them more, they cease to be scared of them anymore. My oldest has blossomed spiritually and is far more gifted than I since being off his medications.
He is Clairvoyant, helps me clear houses, helps guide spirits to the light, and much more. My younger two see the same things, but aren't as interested yet in advancing their gifts, as they are still young. They do all get visions and get visits from God and their Angels. I truly enjoy working with these special children and love learning from them. My oldest has taught me many things.
What's your view on the current education system, does it support these kids?
In my opinion, the current educational system is failing to meet the needs of these kids and their families. I thought that they were starting to get better at trying to understand and really help them until this last year. Giovanni is so gifted that it is even harder now to concentrate at times. He was having a harder time focusing in class and was what they call distracting.
After years of struggling to keep decent grades and get awards, he started failing the 8th grade from the beginning of the year. He was not only still on med.s at the time, but wasn't spiritually aware of much yet, so that wasn't the problem. Rather than attempt to help bring back an Honor student and guide him, they failed completely to understand him at all.
The only thing they said they were interested in was making him conform to their standards. I tried to explain what he's going through, and the Deans showed no interest at all. The students were very mean to him and threw things at him daily, and the teachers made no effort to understand him either. They started RPCing him every time he was distracting.
My daughter got the same response when she started failing 3rd grade. She had been barely holding it together, as well, since pre-school. Giovanni's med.s no longer worked even if the dose was changed or the medicine was changed. Even as a volunteer that has helped them out tremendously, I was given no help for my children. They typically push for them to be on medications as much as they can, and will push it at you until you do it.
The classes are often too crowded for the teachers to make extra time to help these kids, and budget cuts prevent them from being able to buy different learning materials for them. Every parent I've talked to that has a child in one of these categories has had the same problem with the schools. If you medicate the child, you hurt them and it is only a temporary fix.
The drugs also tend to leave them drained and void of personality or passion for anything in life. If you try to get them to help your child more, they call you a problem-parent. The chain of command does nothing, and attorneys don't help either because the money comes from the tax-payer's pocket, so the schools and District don't lose anything. The real problem that we are facing is the increasing numbers of these children being born every day to help us. From here on out, every baby being born will be spiritually gifted in some ways.
The schools try to hide the problem and not deal with it, but every year there are more and more of them in the classes. I would truly like to see any one of the staff or Doctors try to sit in a class, see demons in the others, feel the pain, anger, and moods of everyone in the room, see spirits walking around, get visions and need to draw pictures of things to warn us about, clear dark energy from the planet, and then try to focus on what is being taught. This is what Giovanni goes through. We are working on new ideas of how to teach these children both academically and spiritually in a surrounding that they can handle.
It seems that many are put on drugs that unfortunately just closes them down, they are not being understood for who they truly are, what's your views on this?
These children are definitely not understood. Society has influenced the way the schools work, the way parents are handled, and the way Doctors and schools team-up to try to get these kids medicated. I've had them tell me point blank that they aren't concerned with what the child is going through, but that they just need them to conform. They tell the parents whatever they think they need to, to get them to medicate the c
hild, and don't always tell us what the risks are to the child.
If we don't understand what the children are experiencing or who they are inside, we can't expect to help them at all. You can't help someone who you know nothing about. The fact that these drugs block their spiritual abilities is only one more recently-known risk or side-affect of the medications. Some have been on them at the right dose for years, didn't abuse it or take it wrong, and suddenly dropped dead at 14 or 17 years of age.
I understand that you have met a wonderful spiritual partner or soul mate that has helped you immensely on your spiritual path, can you tell us more about that?
Along with learning about the children, Gary's book teaches everyone how to awaken their spiritual body. He teaches us how to see/hear/talk to God, Angels, Hierarchy, and other highly evolved spiritual beings. One of the 4 meditations on the discs that come with the book is called a soul-unlocking. When done, it releases gradually all the Universal Knowledge your soul has hidden within it. You'll become one with everyone and everything and feel connected to the entire Universe. It typically brings back all the love and feelings to a marriage or relationship, if you're meant to be with them.
As soon as I did the meditation, I began having visions, some good, some bad. I was in the process of trying to get out of a 14-year nowhere marriage. I was given a vision of who my Soul-Mate is, and then a vision of my destiny. God came to me and showed me Gary, the Author, and said that the kids and I, when the time was right, would be joining forces with Gary and traveling this fine planet with him helping enlighten as many people as possible.
I had started empathing his energy all day every day. I was profoundly humbled and overwhelmed by something so huge, but was more than ready and willing to accept the challenge. I had already grown spiritually since reading the book, had found it very easy to grasp and believe, and had taken the meditations very seriously. When he said to do them every day, I did them every day, never skipping. After 1 and 1/2 months I took the kids with me to a Spiritual Retreat with Gary and a group of fine people.
We learned how to do many things, and participated in Global and Group Healings. We had 4 days to get to know each other some, and then it was time to go home and finish a divorce. He's been traveling since doing seminars and readings, and I've been learning. A month after the Retreat God gave me the gift of healing in my hands, same as he gave Gary many years ago. I get pieces of knowledge here and there, as my Angels think I can handle it, and have learned about a past life, which was also with Gary.
I am now a Spiritual Healer/Teacher, Clairsentient, and Empath; and am working on my Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and psychic abilities. I do distance healing for 115 people daily now, and clear the energy of 230 people daily, as well as clearing the planet and giving energy to Mother Earth. I do most of my teaching online through a number of sites (20) and have joined about 60 spiritual groups and causes on facebook.
I do frequent Global Meditations, planetary give-backs, recycling like crazy, and am in Greenpeace. I volunteer with the schools and with the Humane Society. Gary has taught me everything I know along with God and my Angels. This book is amazing, and every time I read it I learn something new and refer to it often. He has taught us how to keep ourselves and others free of demons and dark energies, how to meditate and clear our dimensions, how to connect with God and hierarchy, how to visit Heaven whenever we want, how to get our keys to Heaven, guide spirits, remove blocks in our lives, be positive, and how to manifest for anything we want in our lives.
He's taught us to be forgiving, selfless, humble individuals capable of unconditional love and oneness. He has taught us that no matter what happens, just have FAITH in God. We teach people every day how to manifest for their own soul-mates, money, and much more. We teach the meditations to those who want help, and help them find their own spiritual paths and connection to God.
I've come to know that Gary is not just my true perfect soul-mate, but also my Twin-Flame. We connect in more ways than I can keep track of, and have many similar things we've loved or collected since childhood without knowing it. I feel very drawn to him, like I've known him my whole life. We carry on an amazing Spiritual Relationship daily, hang out in Heaven together, and communicate this way until it's time for us to join him.
Can you tell us about the special little boy with the serious health problems who has come in to anchor the light at this time and the wonderful message your spiritual partner was able to bring through from his higher self regarding his mission?
There are a few kids who stand out in my mind. One is a child who was tortured from birth by demons because of his special gifts. He cried from the day he was born, never wanted his mother, and drove everyone crazy with his fits. He wouldn't do anything for himself the first years, and screamed until their ears hurt. At his wits end, his father finally was lead to call Gary and have him work with his son. It turns out that he is what Gary calls a Golden Baby. He cleared the child's energy field and dimensions, and then realized that he had 3 souls.
He had his true soul, the soul of an aborted sister from years before, and the soul of a demon. The sister had been hanging around earthbound for years and attached to his soul at birth because she saw his very bright light. The demon was causing him to hate his Mother, act violently, scream with much intensity, and be very angry at the drop of a hat. These kinds of soul problems are common in very gifted children. Once straightened out, he was like a different child. He became well-behaved, did well in school, and a joy to be around. He's now 10 years old and an Honor Roll student.
Another was an Autistic child that wouldn't do anything for himself much and wouldn't talk to his parents. He would cry hysterically as if in pain most of the time. When Gary worked with him in the spiritual dimensions, the child told him that it hurts to be in his physical body. Gary asked him what he meant; the child popped into his physical body, stayed for a few seconds, was doubled over in pain, and left again. The child's energy is so high that the energy down here hurts, so he leaves his physical body most of the time. This is where most children are when they seem aloof, like they have no idea what you or the teacher just said; they are in the dimensions. After working with Gary and learning how to control the energies around him, the boy started doing more things and talking with his parents. He spends more time in this dimension now.
A third child was a severely Autistic boy who Gary worked with about 2 years ago. He has been getting progressively better over the 2 years. Recently, the family wrote Gary and told him that they had run a series of tests on the child, and that he no longer tests as Autistic any more at all. When run through IQ tests, however, the child has now tested as a genius. Out of all his work, Gary always says that his favorite part is working with gifted children. He learns new things from them many times as well.
One child tagged A.D.H.D. worked with Gary on stage once and taught Gary how to read past lives from a strand of DNA. What Gary has been told by God, his Angels, and his higher selves is that these brilliant children are here to ease us into the Golden Age. Interestingly enough, when compared to the typical behavior of these children, we find they match very similarly to that of Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children.
All of these groups of kids have been sent here intentionally by God to help pave the way for us as we go through the Greatest Spiritual Awakening our planet will ever have. These can include Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Autistic, A.D.D., A.D.H.D., Asperger's, Bi-polar, Schizophrenia, Split-Personalities, and many others. Most of them are very old souls and this is their final journey to help us bring Heaven to Earth. It is of vital importance for us to stop tagging these kids with disorders and start treating them with the respect they deserve. They are the future of this planet!
Where do you feel your work is going to lead you from here?
I expect my work from here to take me to many wonderful places, meet many amazing people, and gain new heights in my spiritual path to reach my full potential. I know now that God has sent me as a vessel of his love and light to spread peace throughout this world. I am here to enlighten, heal, and teach as many people as I can reach, and to help the children, animals, and Mother Earth while I'm here. Gary and I expect to work with the kids and his crew to start a series of schools designed for gifted children. I'm looking very forward to starting this project, and have some wonderful ideas for them already.
The last several months have been an amazing whirlwind of change and growth, but I feel this is just the beginning of a much larger destiny. My kids will be very well guided and understood with Gary's insight, and will be able to advance to their full potential as well. Giovanni has been foreseen as a great spiritual leader one day, and God has big plans for all of them. I'm prepared to help form an unstoppable team of lightworkers, clearing all the demons and dark energies as we go, and gathering all of humanity together in Peace.
You can find out more about Gary's work, how he can help your child and details of purchasing his book through his website below.
Brenda Tenerelli
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