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Journey of the Soul
A new CD from musicologist and classical pianist Maria Giles, has been composed especially to work on the seven major chakras to bring about a sense of peace and wellbeing. Each chakra has a colour which resonates at a specific frequency and responds to a certain key. The CD, Journey of the Soul, has seven pieces, each seven minutes long which take you through each of the seven chakras in the key and character of that particular chakra. This unique CD has received rave reviews from sound healers and therapists from throughout the UK and has an endorsement by Simon Heather, founder of the UK College of Sound Healers who quotes, ‘this CD will take you on a wonderful healing journey’.
Now available to the public it was recently played live to nearly 400 people in Shrewsbury to raise funds for local charities and was well received. Working alongside healer June Meagher and singer/songwriter Susan Raven, UK representative for Rudolph Steiner Schools the CD who provided harmonies, Maria is very excited at the interest shown by many national colleges and associations ‘It took almost one year to create the music as I had to ensure that each piece was vibrating at the frequency and key associated with each particular chakra, I also had to ensure that the character of the chakra was maintained e.g. for the base chakra which is associated with grounding, it is very deep and repetitive and is entitled I am Safe as that is the key phrase associated with this chakra. For the Solar Plexus, the seat of the emotions, they key phrase is Peace and Calm and the track starts out very fast but then gradually brings the listener into a place of peace and calm within the brain.’
1. Base Chakra I am safe
2. Sacral Chakra I am love
3. Solar Plexus Chakra Peace and calm
4. Heart Chakra My heart is open
5. Throat Chakra Sat Nam - Truth is my name
6. Third Eye Chakra I can see
7. Crown Chakra I am connected to all things
Maria Giles studied piano from the age of five and later trained as a pianist and musicologist at the Special Music School for gifted children in Russia. She obtained her Masters degree at the Moscow State Conservatoire PI Tchaikovsky and went to do a 3 year post graduate course in the History of Music. Maria has also attended various Healing courses over the past ten years in Russia and the UK including Reiki and Spiritual Healing. She is co-founder of Shropshire School of Classical Music, now called Active in Music with her husband Christopher Giles who studied piano in London. They operate their schools from Shrewsbury and Birmingham which are aimed at 5-16 year olds. Please contact
[email protected] for further information.
June Meagher, MNFSH, MICHT, has studied spiritual healing with the NFSH, is a Reiki Master & Teacher and member of the International Council for Holistic Therapists. June has also studied colour therapy, sound healing, energy healing, aura, chakra and meditation as well as various other holistic disciplines for over 30 years. Founder of AAMAR Healing, in memory of her parents Alex and Mary, a non profit organisation with profits going to various charities. June also founded Healers & Therapists News on LinkedIn aimed at linking therapists globally and does talks, courses and workshops on various holistic topics all over the UK
Susan Raven has studied the powerful esoteric teachings of that great scientist, philosopher and seer, Rudolf Steiner and represented Rudolf Steiner Press at the Mind, Body and Spirit festivals of Great Britain for 12 years. Along with the spiritual/consciousness teachings of Steiner, she has imbibed the phenomenal and transformative works of David Hawkins and Eckart Tolle. She has released three albums and regularly performs on BBC radio and at venues throughout the UK.
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