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Non-stop incoming energy:
The energy is coming in now actually non-stop; they are bringing very positive energy for some, and they are also creating a lot of disruption and health problems.
The vibration of these storms is changing the human DNA, to bring all souls into the next spiritual year as we approach this time frame, it’s the July and August energy gates opening and getting ready for the new spiritual year to begin in September.
In July there is a day out of time and in August the 888-lion gate opens, the ancient Egyptians were aware of the timing of these two months as being time when the Nile would rise and bring new life into the desert, it is a time when the planet Sirus rises and is seen as the second biggest light in the sky other than the sun.
For us westerners these ancient time phases are slightly lost, but they are still a time for us to contemplate and decide what we think about how our year has been and how our next year will become.
The schools and governments take a long holiday at this time so that they can rest and reassess their own plans for the coming new [spiritual] year, even if they do not understand this side of the bigger picture.
Our advice for you is to relax, let all your thoughts go and allow new one to materialise into your own energetic bodies, try to allow your minds to move into this beautiful new light that is constantly coming into you and the planet.
The energies are bubbling all the time flick, flick, tick-tock, backwards and forwards, little bubbles all over the place, shifting, moving, converging, separating, swirling, and that is exactly what's happening to all people as well.
The thing to remember is all these vibrations come in waves of ups and downs, if we rise to far up, then we are in for a deeper drop when they recede into the down flow.
These storms are bringing positivity to the people who can relax into them and giving information through the light codes.
The light is information coming in from the universe, it's opening the barriers in the mental attitude of people and breaking down the old ways, this is changing the collective consciousness of everyone.
As the energy builds up things will go out of sync and become completely different.
The differences are not in the usual way, it is causing the energy to jump and in the same way our minds and actions are also jumping from one thing to another, even our electronics are jumping or cutting out due to these vibrations.
The energy will keep coming in, gathering and fluctuating, making everyone jump around like a load of jumping beans with no control.
All light workers can help the situation by keeping calm, keeping focused.
Allow yourself to jump around a little bit, that is the only way through, while this is going on, you cannot influence anything that's happening around you on the outside, you can only deal with what is going on within, let everything go it will make your passage smoother.
As time goes on people are going to realise that trying to control a situation or to try to manipulate someone else or something will not work, people will realise that trying to do this is using their own energy, as a light worker your support is still needed and be affective by just be there solidly saying the same thing. Just let it go let it go, just let it go, let it be.
Be Light. Be love. Be happy. x
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