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Pinolith is a comforting stone that helps diminish feelings of loneliness, stress and anxiety. It is also suggested that it will help with restlessness and sleep disorders.
This very rare, grey and white semi precious stone. First discovered in 1873 and comes from only one location in the world-the magnesite deposit at Sunk, Hohentauern, Niedere Tauern, Styria, Austria.
Pinolith was mined in WWII for its high manganese content.
Pinolith helps show that living itself is a spiritual experi

ence. You don't need to see wonders every day to appreciate the sense of spirituality that even the mundane things in life have to offer.
It is a metamorphic rock containing magnesite as white crystals in a grey dolomite and graphite matrix. It is named Pinolith because the magnesite inclusions resemble pine cones in shape.
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