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Preseli Bluestone Pendulum
Preseli Bluestone Pendulum
The Preseli Bluestone Pendulum dowser is strung on a fine link chain that terminates with a small ring.
A Pendulum is quite simply a tool that is used to check what the subconscious already knows. The Preseli Bluestone Pendulum itself is an extension of our inner senses which creates a visual representation of our inner energy changes. The Pendulum amplifies small muscle movements that result from changes in the subtle energy flow through the body. Yes we are in effect making the Pendulum move, but on a subconscious level. We are not sitting there and making obvious Pendulum swings, It is more a tiny reflex that cannot be seen.
Preseli Dolerite (Bluestone) is a chemically altered igneous rock containing Plagioclase Feldspar and Augite (a pyroxene mineral). It is medium grained dark and heavy rock, harder than granite. Preseli Bluestone tools, such as axes, have been discovered all over the British Isles. Ancient legends tell of the magical and healing properties of the Preseli Bluestone. This exquisite tumblestone is polished from Bluestone from the same location as the stones used in the original Stonehenge structure.
The ‘Stone of Universal Unity’, bringing forth offerings of compassion, of love and of peace. A stone with a heart, a place and a voice for All.
Bluestone has a universal voice, it is a stone that speaks out to the inner being, forming a natural connection while radiating with compassion and peace. It is a stone brings forth pure Universal Unity.
“The pure hearted child shall hear my voice, my song, through to the physical recognised manner. There shall be very few to hold such a gift, yet in time this very few shall grow gently as Unity takes form and remains in place”
A stone that brings a healing touch to all that bears its touch. This can be in so many ways, one only need have a little faith

Preseli Bluestone Pendulum
to recognise this.
Bluestone brings forth Unity throughout centuries. It creates connection in the past as well as the present. A stone that can hold an infinite number of voices, an infinite number of hopes, dreams and wishes, bringing all as One.
This stone creates passages and doorways for the being to connect with all that was, and is. It can be beneficial in Ancestral connecting and also in Astral travel. A stone to help the being also connect with themselves, to find who they are as well as helping to open new doorways in life.
“I am part of an infinite energy, I am all around and within. I am part of the circle of life, an eternal connection to the past, present and future of All”
Bluestone is very healing to the soul. It helps bring feelings of loneliness to an end, as well as helping “Lost souls” find there way. It is a stone that helps create inner harmony, as well as being beneficial in taking away the fears of “not knowing”. In time, Bluestone brings the being to a point where healing can take place on a whole level, inner and outer.
This is a stone to help in the healing of matters of the heart, especially good where there has been an “abandonment” or there is feelings of abandonment. Bluestone helps to restore love and compassion again within the being. It is a stone that resonates harmoniously within the Hearts energy centre and helps to clear and connect it with the bodies fellow energy centres.
Bluestone creates a harmonious energy, it helps energies bond well almost like the fine workings of a clocks heart. It is a stone that creates formations of energies, like a mirror to a mirror, it brings a continuous and infinite connection through time.
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