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Today a lovely lady came to me for pastlife regression. She found it difficult to relax, however eventualy she entered a state of hypnosis. Before I got to ask her to describe her past life, (which was interesting in itself but i won't go into details), she told me that she could see a young girl. The lady stressed that the girl wasn't her. She said that the girl was about seven years old, her name was Molly, she had blonde hair and was wearing a white nightdress.
She believed she was from the sixteenth century. Molly was crying for her mummy, she said she couldn't find her mom. She was trapped in a fire and was trying to reach her mom. At this point the lady became very emotional and upset, she said she could see the girl clearly and again stressed that Molly was not her.
I instructed the lady to visualise white light, I then told her to tell Molly to hold out her hand and let the Angels come and take her to the light where she would find her mummy. The lady became calm and said she watched Molly walk in to the light and that she was now gone. Could it be that as my client was so relaxed, it enabled her to see the spirit of the little girl called Molly.
Even stranger, six months previously, I regressed a client, a big strong man who was very emotional during his regression as he saw himself as a six year old girl with blonde hair and wearing a white nightdress. It was the sixteenth century and he was trapped in a house fire.
Is this a strange coincidence?
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