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This conference was held on 20 April 2009. The past 12 months have seen many countries opening their secret files on UFOs. They include Britain, Brazil, Sweden… Will the Obama administration make a full public announcement on UFO disclosure and the existence of extra-terrestrial life? Eyewitnesses include :
Milton Torress – Retired Fighter Pilot
Edgar Mitchell – Retired Astronaut NASA
This is Part 1 of the Press Conference held on April 20th, 2009 at the National Press Club in Washington DC. Here, Edgar Mitchell, Astronaut, explains his position on official disclosure of the UFO secrets. Produced by Ron James
This is Part 2.Here, Milton Torres, an ex military pilot, explains a shoot Down Order given to him regarding a large object in the air, and calls for official disclosure of the UFO secrets.
This is Part 3. Here, Nick Pope, ex UFO investigator and information officer for the British Ministry of Defense, calls for official disclosure of the UFO secrets.
This is Part 4.Here, Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State and other upcoming books, calls for official disclosure of the UFO secrets.
This is Part 5. Here, Alfred Webber, author of Exoploitics and other upcoming books, calls for official disclosure of the UFO secrets.
This is Part 6. Here, Dr. Roger Lier, famous Implant Surgeon, reveals new information about devices removed from clients.
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