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I have healed through starting to paint through spirit,enormous beautiful energy enveloped me as I began..I knew I had pvfs otherwise known as m/e , it changed my life when I struggled to talk , walk, wash my own hair and do all the things that we do was like climbing a mountain..I found myself in complete dissaray..with nothing to live on the beginning it was a flu like bug, then it just got worse and worse ...connected to spirit I always have been but this was something else..I was looking like death becomes her ..oh wow , when your bodies like lead and you have to get through the day...I was told fight by a , local clairvoyant who brought my grandma through I know that for sure, as I felt her strength come through me, that of grit and determination...I can remember it clearly, cut off from everything I ever phone, no gas, no electric and no sign of support coming my way...what did I need to survive I asked my self obviously I needed to eat but it was apparent no food way of doing I was drowning without any water wings...cold, hungry and crippled with tiredness thats undescribable...the stress and fear was so heightened....I went to the spiritualist church with tears in my eyes , I hoped they would help and I was seen and took to one side...praying was my only vice...the doctor said depression, I could not get Any treatment I knew it was m e ..I just lungs hurt...I cried everyday hungry and sometimes I did not eat all day..I began tp pray to god it was my only hope of survival, the medium told me I needed a miracle to survive, I just said yes,.....All alone in this I knew that death was imminent ...coldness and influenza several times in one yr...I fought to get up each time , then I would get it again, and again..each time with all my strength I got up..I was not going can say I was angry...library was a safe place and it beckoned me there, guided to the spiritual books I pulled them off the shelf one by one..A book called healing with angels..simple but to the point, I enjoyed it asking for help and seeing what came if only a drop of inspiration I had hope ..The word paint was written on my mind one morning.i had nev

light love and peace
er painted before in my life but I enjoyed the peace and calmness I felt watching it on tv..watercolour challenge loved that programme...I took myself off with nothing, no pencil, no paints, nothing..when I got there someone shared with me, that was great because I did not own anything, busy selling to stay alive left me sparce of any materials,..I walked in pain there and back,...but it was lovely like coming home me with a paintbrush the joy of creativeness,.wow...a lady asked me how I did it ,I dont know I said I just do it , I have never done it before,.she looked bemused , but I just carried on,.not questioning just enjoying the painfree hrs I was experiencing and my worries were far from my mind like how do I carry on another day with no food this felt like torture, but in that small class I felt almost normal, I was glad I asked the angels they sent me to the right place thank god...I got too ill to carry on walking there, so I just tested myself at home , give myself watercolour challenges for myself, I was getting weaker and my infections were still there but as I painted I felt like an angel had come to hold my hand and give me the peace I needed to get through this terrible time, a focus and something that seemed impossible was possible, I talked only of my new found art and people asked for pictures which I found was incredible, I never said no I said I will have a go...everytime someone else chuffed at the work I produced ...I was in amazement too..after that I channelled guides , angelic vibrational art and abstract art, what I knew was it healed, it gave hope when the strength waned it gave strength,.my guide was an exceptional one..he came through in a time when I could no longer fight and the wheelchair was the next step...a constant heal, painting after painting....and a spiritual learning kerb for me...divine I am out of the wheelchair, no infections ...everything has changed.i offer talks, workshop on it..psychic development days...its an amazing healing tool..hope you enjoyed this article .email
[email protected] for more details or to commission any work thankyou..
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