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We get all sorts of characters coming to the group. This transcript is taken from the recording made at the time.
A London Gang Leader
(This spirit had a powerful male voice)
Group: “I wonder if you would like to talk to us?”
Spirit: “Rather strange! I was here waiting before. Then the other gentleman poked his nose in, which I thought was rather rude.”
Group: “So you didn’t like being kept waiting?”
Spirit: “Do you like being kept waiting?”
Group: “It depends. Anyway we understand your position. Is there any way we can be of help to you?”
Spirit: “Well they told me, that if I came, you could help but I am just wondering if you can”
Group: “Well, we’ve helped a lot of others. In what way do need help?”
Spirit: “First of all, I know that I am not on the earth plane, but where the devil I am, I do not know. I’m not here, I’m not there; I am just that bit in between.”
Group: “Sometimes they call it Limbo”
Spirit: “Limbo! That’s a dance, is it not?”
Group: “I believe it is, as well, but that’s another meaning. I’m sure we can help you to get somewhere definite that you will enjoy. If you are prepared to listen to us, we have helped many others. What we would ask you to do, is to think of somebody who is not on the earth, but has passed on, that you would like to see – parent, relation, friend – who you would like to come and get you.”
Spirit: “I may like to see them – the point is, would they like to see me?”
Group: “Only time will prove that”
Spirit: “Only time can tell then”
Group: “Usually they are very willing to come and help, because they are not exactly as they were when they were on earth.”
Spirit: “And I can assure you, I am not, because I was not on the – eh good side in the earth conditions”
Group: “We understand – now can you think of somebody who” – (he interrupts)
Spirit: “There was one person who very much tried to help me, and he was a policeman – a very kind policeman - I know very well that he has passed, he has been –er- shot. But whether he would want to come and see me, after all the trouble I have given him in the first place? ”
Group: “Well we shall see”
Spirit: “You see the difficulty?”
Group: “We’ve overcome this difficulty many times before, and I think we can do it again. The thing is, do you know his name? Can you visualize him?”
Spirit: “I can visualize him. Whether I can remember his name is another thing because the memory plays tricks on you.”
Group: “The name is not important, as long as you can see him in your mind. ”
Spirit: “Oh, I can definitely see him – I remember what he looked like.”
Group: “Well, if you will concentrate your mind, and say ‘I want to see him’, we will try as well, and then you watch and see what happens. You may be surprised, I hope you will.”
Spirit: “We can only try, can we not? By the way I did not pass within the bars – do you understand? I was on the good side then. ”
Group: “Imagine you are going to telephone him”
Spirit: “He would be more likely to telephone me, because you know, I used to give him little informations for the police work, and that’s why I did not pass within the prison walls – because of the people I used to give him information about.”
Group: “you were what is called a snout, were you?”
Spirit: “A snout! That is what we used to call a cigarette. I think the proper name is informer, an informer for hand-outs, you understand?”
Group: “Let’s all concentrate. We’re going to concentrate – you do the same. We want the sergeant to come. See what happens. Think of him. Concentrate.”
Spirit: (He sees the policeman)“It is a long time, Mr Harry! (To us) As soon as I see him I can remember his name. The only name I knew is Harry.”
Group: “Is he there with you now?”
Spirit: “Yes, he is. He says I have not got the handcuffs this time. Oh, he is laughing! He was a very, stern, harsh but a very fair man – very fair.”
Group: “What’s he saying?”
Spirit: “He is going over the things what happened when I was in this past and so on, and so on.”
Group: “Will he help you now?”
Spirit: “Oh yes, I will go along with him, but if it was anybody else – no thank you!”
Group: “You can trust him, can you?”
Spirit: “Oh, I trust him – I was going to say, I would trust him with my life.”(Laughter)
Group: “Well you are having a sort of life”
Spirit: “I am having a better life at this present time, than ever I had before. Life is so free, but when I was on earth, I was going from door to door and looking round to see who was behind the door – life was hell.”
Group: “Group: “”
Spirit: “”
You can be in heaven now; you are on your way. You go with him and he will show you all about it.”
Spirit: “Yes, as long as he does not show me prisons”(laughter) “I have seen enough of those.”
Group: “He won’t show you those”
Spirit: “I hope not”
Group: “What is your name?”
Spirit: “Huh! What is my name? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I can’t remember.”
Group: “What did Harry call you?”
Spirit: “Everything bar my right name”
Group: “It does not matter”
Spirit: “What I can remember is, it was before the train robbery, before that time – just when your second world war was about to begin. At that time there was a lot of hanky panky going on – lots of little gangs in London – that’s where I came from London. There were gangs all over the place.”
Group: “Were you part of one of those gangs?”
Spirit: “I am afraid I was leader of one of them, so you could see what style of life I had. So if I was leader, why did I push the leaders of the others? It was just to get power away from them. So there you are. I must thank you for allowing me to come and meet up with my friend. We are friends now, but we were super friends on the earth. He said ‘I could see the good in you even before you realized it was there yourself. I suppose he’s what you call a guardian angel, yes? An angel in blue with three stripes. I hate to think what the others are like. Well thank you so much”
Group: “You’re very welcome”
Spirit: “If I am allowed to come back, perhaps I will remember my name and I’ll tell you how I’m getting on”
Group: “Please do”
Spirit: “Yes, you know, they tell me you do so much work in this way, but a lot of them do not come back and thank you.”
Group: “We don’t expect it. It doesn’t matter.”
Spirit: “It does not matter what you expect. It is what I think should be done”
Group: “Well, we will appreciate it if you do. Enjoy your life”
Spirit: “I will definitely enjoy it now. He is telling me we have many places to go, many places to see, and many things that I can do that I could not do before. ”
Group: “The abilities that you had on earth, you can now use, in maybe, a better way”
Spirit: “Oh yes! I can help people, instead of helping myself to other people’s things. I will help people.”
Group: “When they first come over, you can help people too”
Spirit: “Well I must say cheerio.”
Group: “Cheerio. Good luck. God speed”
A general discussion followed as to why John had so many crooks and doubtful characters, like this gang leader, choosing to speak through him.
“I must be crook myself,” he suggested, but we agreed that as our only male medium he was the natural choice for many men to speak through. We also wondered why so many of our communicators, especially the men, cannot remember their names, when they are first helped. Several of them said ‘Your memory plays tricks on you’ yet children, like Billy never forget their names, and some ladies give all their names.
Check out "Dead Rescue" by Michael Evans

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