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The Spirit Who Could not Speak
When we are in the Rescue Circle, and one can see that the spirit has taken over one of our trance mediums, there is often an interval before they will speak to us. On this occasion a spirit was clearly there. Time ticked away and he said nothing.
"Can you hear us? I asked. He nodded.
"We are wasting time, please speak to us. Can you understand us?" He nodded again, and then he spoke.
"Problem is with using voice. I can hear what you say but to give answer with voice I find difficult because I was dumb when I was on earth”.
"You are doing very well now".
"I was told I could use voice in spirit but when it came to the actual time to get voice I found it a little difficult.”
"Of course"
"I heard you say Come along! Come along! Speak!"
"I'm sorry about that".
"It's not your fault - the fault is with me".
"It's wonderful that you are speaking now".
"That goes to prove that when one passes one gets the use of the different parts of the body but when one has not talked for 60 years you can appreciate how difficult it can be - like trying to eat a banana if you don't know how to peel it"
"Have you friends to talk to in the Spirit World?"
"I have friends in what you call the Spirit World, and they were trying to help me to talk but, being me, I could not, so I was brought along here to have the closeness of the material plane".
"So this has helped you?"
"Yes! So now I can give message for you. There is much work for you to do - very much work. The thoughts you have been sending to Spirit, wondering if you would be able to start again - you have your answer - and I thank you for opportunity to be able to come and use the voice".
"Do you need the voice in the Spirit World?"
"Not as much as one does on the earth plane but if one wishes to one can use the voice and now when I go back to friends - perhaps they will say we wish you not to talk so much!"
The trouble with myself was that I could not answer people because if you wrote things down it was entirely different from speaking.
Somehow one lost the meaning of what one was trying to say. If you have written things down you will find that what is in your mind does not go properly on paper because you cannot put down what is actually in your mind."
"How long ago was this?"
"Phew! A long, long time ago my friend. A long time."
"So you have not been able to speak for a long time".
“It was around sixty years when I passed to spirit but I have not used the voice for a long time after that. I think many of the people could not understand that one can be in spirit and still not use the voice, as you have been told that you regain everything, but within ones mind -
(the telephone rang here) - they were just bringing that thing in when I was on earth and the sound was is much different to what it used to be."
"It is lovely to hear you talking so well!"
"Well, my friend, once one has got over the frightening part and started to use the voice, it comes much easier.
Of course you know that this kind gentleman has his friend who has brought me here".
"I wondered if you had come with Grey Cloud".
"Yes, this is one of the little jobs he does to help people".
“What was your work?”
“I was a diamond cutter. It was in a big establishment where I used to work. I was there from the time of my employment until I passed. I was an apprentice and in those days apprentices were not well paid until your apprenticeship was over - you did your test piece and qualified. And when you qualified you had little small jobs before you were allowed to go on to the most expensive ones. You can understand, if you tap wrongly and it fell to pieces, you were in big trouble."
"What do you do now in the Spirit World?"
"What I do now is to try to recall what I learnt on the earth plane, in as much as I can help other people. At this time I have no special function, shall I say, but I know I will be directed to one if I wish to do so.
I must not tax our friend too much at this time because using his vocal chords can be tiring, not only for him but also for the energy which is used to help you. I will come again to let you know how I am getting on and how I am progressing."
"We wish you success!"
“I was called George”.
"Thank you, George. Are you happier now?"
"I am happier now that I am able to use the voice. It is such a wonderful thing to use. From the time I was born I was I could only make a grunting noise”.
“I hope you can use your voice when you go back to the Spirit World”.
“That was the main point of the experiment, to see if I could conquer the fear of talking – not fear but the strange feeling of talking”
“Come again George and talk to us!”
“I would be happy to come again”.
“Good luck!”
“Thank you”.
Michael Evans
Check out "Dead Rescue" by Michael Evans

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