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The Nimerigar are legendary race of little people found in the folklore of the Shoshone people of North America's Rocky Mountains.
According to Shoshone tales, the Nimerigar were an aggressive people who would shoot poisoned arrows from tiny bows. Nimerigar were said to have lived in the Wind River and Pedro ranges of Wyoming. Although thought to be mythical, the reality of Nimerigar tales was called into question in 1932 with the discovery of the San Pedro Mountains Mummy, a 14-inch-tall mummy found in a cave 60 miles south of Casper, Wyoming, which was thought by some researchers to be that of an adult male. However, a more recent interpretation is that the mummy is an anencephalic infant. Uncertain whereabouts of the anomaly leave the verdict open.
Nearly every Native American culture tells of a race of little people. Comanche referred to Nunnupis, Cherokee to the Yumwi, and Hawaii have the Menehune.
In October 1932, while digging for gold in the San Pedro mountains, Wyoming, two prospectors, Cecil Mayne and Frank Carr, blasted their way through some thick rock. When the dust settled, they saw they had opened up a small room.
This is where they first saw the mummy of a tiny person. Upon its discovery, it was instantly called a hoax by most scholars. X-rays were performed on the mummy in 1950 and it was discovered that there was a "manlike" skeleton inside, almost fully formed.
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