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In a moment of deep inner silence,I heard a voice whisper: "Beloved, dare to make the break out of the lonely crowd. There is a wonderful plan for your life. A magnificent purpose resounds through your unfolding. Release and let go of your outdated and outworn self! Dare to be reborn in the brilliance of the freedom of the spirit, filled and motivated with universal energy flowing direct from the heart of God. Beloved, dare to lose the old patterns of expression, old habits of weakness and death, old memories of destruction. Dare to witness the activity of divine love, expressing through you as perfect life as it restores, rejuvenates and regenerates every cell of your being! Live in the wholeness of spirit and direct your light for the healing and uplifting of the world. Beloved, go beyond your present understanding, exceed your now consciousness of truth. Be fully immersed in your divine blueprint through all good....... on earth as it is in heaven. You carry within the keys to the kingdom, use them to open all doors of joyous expression and to direct the wonder and effectiveness of the spiriitual gifts you possess into your working knowledge. Beloved didicate yourself to love.... watch as love disolves undesirable situations, unwanted circumstances..... all thoughts and feelings of a negative nature. Dare to be magnificent! Dare to be a self renewing temple of the living god! Dare to be beauty, harmony, light and music as you were created to be! Remember you have been loved since the beginning of time." Joy filled my heart and I asked, "Who are you, who is saying this to me?"
And from infinity within came the answer,
" I AM. "
I hope this blesses others as it blessed and motivated me the first time I read it and I hope to that it stirs the hearts of those who read it as it stirs my heart every time I read it anew.
Every blessing to you all
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